About Me

I am a qualified Stott Pilates® instructor for matwork, originally from West Bridgford, Nottingham. I am passionate about teaching Pilates and am motivated by helping clients discover the valuable benefits it has to offer.

Having spent many years of my career in the corporate industry post university, I took a five year career break to raise our young family. This time allowed for reflection and I decided it was time to pursue my personal interest in Pilates and the idea of “Pilates on the mat” was born.

What I personally love about Pilates is the focus and discipline of the movements and that continual challenge is possible. The sequences are so versatile that everyone can benefit, from elite athletes to people with restricted mobility, or those recovering from injury or postpartum. In fact, it was dancers and athletes that originally saw the benefits of the work of the late Joseph Pilates and formed his original clients in New York, so whilst Pilates is known for ‘low impact’, you can take the practise to be as advanced as you are able.

The Stott Pilates® qualification is intense teacher training and it sparked a real interest in human anatomy, which still forms the majority of my bedtime reading material. I believe knowledge of our bodies and how muscles move is essential to enjoy and get the most from exercise and daily life. I strive to help people with their own body awareness in the classes.

I enjoy the education and training requirements of the Stott Pilates® accreditation and each year, enhance and deepen my knowledge through attendance of further courses. I regularly visit the London Stott Pilates® training centre and have the opportunity to train with the Master trainers to ensure my skills and knowledge stay ahead in a fast moving industry.

Pilates Nottingham

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