Friday 11.30 - 12.30

Venue: The West Bridgford Tennis Club, Bounds Lane, West Bridgford

A small and friendly class taking max. 6 clients.

This class is suitable for all levels, it is a great all rounder - a controlled pace where we build a foundation of strength and technique. All essential level exercises.

£10 per class bookable in 4 weekly blocks. To be used over 5 weeks. Or drop-in for £12.

If also block booking Wednesday class £1 off each class.

25% off every third block booked consecutively.

Discount for TWBTC members.

Pre-booking essential (even for drop in bookings). Just bring water and a mat.

Wednesday 18.30 - 19.30

Venue: The West Bridgford Tennis Club, Bounds Lane, West Bridgford

A small and friendly class taking max. 6 clients.

This class is suitable for all levels - building strength and technique and some intermediate level exercises.

£10 per class bookable in 4 weekly blocks. To be used over 5 weeks. Or drop-in for £12.

If also block booking Friday class £1 off each class.

25% off every third block booked consecutively.

Discount for TWBTC members.

Pre-booking essential (even for drop in sessions). Bring water and a mat.

Friday 09.30-10.30

Venue: Gamston Village Hall, Old Tollerton Road, Gamston.

NEW Starting Friday November 8th 2024. Beginners welcome.

Approx 10 in class.

Term time Nov to Xmas 24, 6 week rolling course- 6 weeks booked as a block for £45.

Or £9.00 p/week drop in.

Pre booking essential. Course bookings take priority.

Please enquire for information/to secure a place.