Strengthen your core, align your body.

Small groups and one-to-one mat Pilates lessons in Nottingham.

Sharing a Passion for Pilates

The inspiration for Pilates on the mat is to deliver low impact strength training, focussing on smaller teaching groups to ensure you:

  • Receive necessary support and exercise modifications based on your goals and physical condition.

  • Understand the essential principles of Pilates, focusing on form and technique to achieve results.

  • Learn greater body awareness to improve postural alignment and take home techniques for self practise.

My Pilates classes use tailored movement patterns designed for you to grow stronger, leaner, more flexible and remain mobile for longer - irrespective of age.

Contact Ann

If you would like to know more, have any questions or would like to book a session please either email me or complete the contact form.

I look forward to hearing from you.